If I hadn’t known, I could have easily thought it was fried fish. Obviously not cod or haddock, because it was missing the emblematic moist flakiness, but certainly some sort of white fish.
It was so good, I was seconds away from ordering more, because my daughter ate most of it. I didn’t get more, because I had already gotten the entire menu… 🐽
I for one, see the value in this, I was a fierce meat eater that went vegetarian… I grew up eating certain things that I miss sometimes. This meal definitely satisfies that nostalgia.
Even if you aren’t a vegetarian or a vegan, it’s a good option to give you’re body a break from all the Mercury and PCBs found in fish, as well as giving the oceans and the fish a break as well.
Depletion is a real thing and it’s an actual problem that goes far beyond the availability of seafood. It’s about the survival of our ecosystem and our oceans compose the largest percentage of it.
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