I will first start by stating how proud I am, that I can eat food at this level in my hometown.
The chef has a way with vegetables, which is not that easy to pull off.
Making a vegetable centric dish and making it taste and look amazing isn’t an easy task and it’s very hard to find.
The roasted carrots over carrot purée and millet popcorn was flawless. The best dish on the menu from my point of view.
It nailed presentation, textures, layers and flavors!
My favorite dish was the beet carpaccio. It was genius!
It wasn’t the best, because the sweetness was off balance, but nothing that fine tuning won’t fix.
The cauliflower dish took the best presentation in my eyes, and it was so pleasant to eat.
It was like eating an art piece!
The cauliflower was a little overcooked and it needed a little salt. Close to perfection for sure.
I choose not to eat animals, but I make an exception, when it comes to offerings like this.
So, I tried most of the meat forward dishes on the menu, and although delicious without sounding bias I feel like his veggie dishes were memorable and the others weren’t.
On another note, cheese and seafood are normally a NO, NO, in the fine dining culinary world.
There’s an exception to every rule, but it’s only tolerated if the dish is next level.
Seafood and cheese au gratin are a common staple in Coastal Colombian Cuisine, which I’ve never been an advocate for, because in my mind cheese competes with the seafood flavor to the point it drowns it.
This was the case for the two seafood dishes I tried.
The lobster pizza and the prawns with blue cheese definitely touched my nostalgia and were very comforting.
They made me feel good, when I ate them, but I wouldn’t allow myself in good conscience to shadow an animal prime in flavor, especially after giving its life for my meal with pungent cheese flavors.
Still, I can firmly conclude, it’s the best restaurant in Barranquilla and it’s the best food I’ve had in Barranquilla to this date.
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