If you can zone out the brewery parking lot and just focus on the cooking area, you could literally think you’re actually at a street stall somewhere in Asia. SAVAGE!
The flavor might say otherwise. It was a little too sweet and it lacked spiciness, tanginess and funkiness.
It was a little too pasteurized for me, if you know what I mean.
If you don’t, let me explain myself better… It felt like a tamed version for the picked fence kind of folk.
There is nothing wrong in adapting your food and preparations to suit the environment, but at least you should be presented with the option, like in most Indian restaurants.
They’ll ask you, as they giggle inside; do you want that normal or mild?
Now, don’t feel the need to succumb, if you’re not up for the ride and potentially shitting your pants at some point, just go mild.
My point is, there’s no right or wrong answer as long as you have options.
My daughter, the adventurous one, loved it. She pretty much inhaled it!
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