This pizza pop up, which’s going FOOD TRUCK very soon is called IT’S THE PIZZA SLUT, so I can relate, because I’m a slut for good pizza as well!
Although the combination of the pesto and the chewy, charred dough were my favorite things, the pesto needs to be contained.
I think they are using the pesto as a “blanky”…
It’s like they know their pesto is fire, so they use it as a safeguard to insure satisfaction and maybe to cover any shortcomings, which is common in pop up concepts.
Pop ups are hard, it’s you, alone in the wild, without protection against the jackals… believe me, I know!
The pizza is good enough to eat without a safeguard and I’m not saying stop the pesto, I’m saying ease it.
My pie had truffle in it and it was drowned, so limit the amount, don’t put it on everything or change the name to IT’S THE PESTO SLUT.
This is constructive criticism if it’s not evident, I care for the pizza and the people making it and I want them to excel!
BTW, I ate the whole pie and I was already full.
The combination of char and yeast flavor in the dough is killer…
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