Full Disclosure: I normally stay miles away from Corp restaurants that engineer food.
I don’t like the profit only approach to food, because it drives companies to do some sketchy things.
The questions you have to ask yourself are:
How real are the ingredients?
Are the ingredients genetically modified?
How far have they gone to manipulate me?
The truth is that they have teams of scientists and marketers finding ways to hijack your senses and influence your choices… when it comes to these giants, the battlefield is far from even…
I went in to try this #chickensandwich knowing this, I just want to make sure you know it too.
Although I like spicy a lot, I preferred the original over the spicy.
The bread was like a pillow, the chicken was crunchy and very juicy. I loved how hot it was inside. You could see the steam coming out of each bite. It had the right amount of lubrication and the pickle provided a good briny flavor to cut through all the fat.
I have to report that with me being well informed and all, and after eating 2 sandwiches and fries, they managed to create the urge in me to order more.
I had to drag myself out of there… I really had the thought of getting another one… 🧠🐽😂
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