The salad it’s just an excuse to eat the cheese!
The cheese is so good, you don’t really want to have anything take away from it. It was thought to actually make the salad the Spartan way, rather than the more common way.
The imported oregano is a nice touch!
It works on several levels. Culinary speaking it accents the cheese well, because both items come from the same region. It’s very possible the sheep that produced the milk actually grazed on the oregano it’s been served with.
This could be a total mind f*ck, but it works well on an emotional level. It makes you feel like you’re eating something very special, which makes you feel very special.
At the end of the day, if it’s BS or not, what matters is how it made you feel!
Some people are against having smoke blown up their ass and some people live for it…
When it comes to food, I’m a little mystic, so I don’t mind a little smoke!
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