The name created an expectation as to the size an appearance of what I was going to get.
When the plate arrived it wasn’t what I had envisioned, but it once I tried it the name reflected in the flavor.
I’m a mushroom lover and this was quite perfect, including the texture and the cooking of the actual omelette.
It was served with shiitake mushrooms on top that had a leathery consistency. On their own they were a bit unappealing, but folded in the bite along with the rest of the components it made sense as it provided an extra layer of texture.
I would definitely recommend this place without the 90 minute wait. We were seated pretty fast, but due to being short staffed, it took them 90 minutes to get the food to the table.
Staffing is an issue in Florida right now, and I don’t try to hold that against anyone, but the wait was a little too long.
It was a beautiful day and we had lots of calls to do for our day ahead, so we made the best out of it!
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