I recently heard one of the reasons why we evolve so quickly as a species, is because one or more people decide to dedicate themselves to one thing for years if necessary until they ace it.
Once the knowledge is available it is then passed down to the masses and it instantly leaps us all those years ahead.
It wasn’t a coincidence I read about this the same week, I visited this restaurant.
Instead of reviewing each dish and providing a detailed critique, I think it’s better to just welcome this outsider as a BIG BROTHER, that’s coming to our city to take us to the next level.
We have a lot of local talent. Homegrown restaurants in our backyard that deserve all the praise in the world for breaking the ground and for their unique point of view & dedication.
Let’s be completely honest, it would be easy to give in to our local pride and reject any foreign agents, but our country is a testament to the advantages and the beauty of immigration and the diversity that comes with it.
I say, we embrace them and allow ourselves to learn from them, so we can pave the next chapter of food vanguard in The City Beautiful!
Thank you for providing the best fine dining experience in Central Florida to date and for being humble enough to know there’s room for improvement.
It’s literally splitting hairs at their level, but the pork dish can use some fine tuning. If they do make some changes, I just hope they keep the amazing broth as one of its components.
If you take food seriously, you owe it to yourself to check them out!
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